
Great Group Coaching; 30+ Drills and Games to End Your Lesson

About UCoach

UCoach have trained thousands of coaches, benefiting the wider tennis community. We train, assess and qualify coaches to become assistant coaches, coaches and leaders of industry in schools, clubs and centres across the UK.

We are actively encouraging successful assistant coaches to take the next steps on the coaching pathway.


Courses Fees

LTA Assistant £290 (inc VAT)
LTA Instructor £455 (inc VAT)
LTA Coach £1,100 (inc VAT)
Padel Instructor: £585 (inc VAT)
First Aid £105 (inc VAT)
Electives (Half Day) : £50 (inc VAT)
Safeguarding (Online) £30 (inc VAT)
Other Workshops : £50-£95 (inc VAT)
Great Group Coaching: 30+ Drills and Games to End Your Lesson

Learn how to create and modify end-of-session games which challenge players’ tactical, technical, physical and mental skills. Player development should not stop when nearing the end of a lesson; discover how to get the best out of your players by weaving the four performance factors into fun games. Written by Nick Williams and Stuart Twigg, this course teaches you how to transform regular games and drills to be more challenging and purposeful.

On the course, you will:

  • Learn how to create fun and purposeful games
  • Understand how to set up effective conditioned points
  • Learn different organisational formats to maximise players’ time on court
  • Familiarise yourself with how to apply feedback in the most effective way
  • Gain access to a catalogue of 30+ new drills and games

30+ Drills and Games to End Your Lesson is for all types of coaches – new, experienced, and anyone in between – looking for inspiration on how to vary the end of a session.

This is one of three Great Group Coaching workshops aimed at developing your capability of organising and working with players in a group setting.

Reasonable adjustments are available. Please contact us at the time of booking, so that we can best support you.